Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mirror Synchronicity: Due Amici

Janice is a friend of mine who I've known for fifteen years. She and I have drifted in and out of each others lives over the years as we've changed jobs, residences and spouses. I saw her on my birthday in May and we were so excited to reconnect that we vowed to see each other again soon. Summer came and went and somehow it just never seemed to work. She invited me to her husband's 50th birthday party at a restaurant. Unfortunately, I had to decline because I had a rehearsal dinner for a wedding that evening. I was so disappointed in the timing of it all.

Well, if you read my blog, you know where this is going. Since I had declined the invitation to the birthday party, I had forgotten about where it was to be hosted. The day before the dinner, Janice left me a Facebook message about getting back in touch. I called her immediately to see if she could get together but she was busy planning the party at Due Amici. Suddenly I made the connection that the rehearsal dinner was at the same place. Both events were at the same restaurant on the same day at the same time! While I wasn't able to be fully present at the party, I was able to visit some with Janice after all.

What is even better is that the translation of the restaurant name is "Two friends"!

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