Monday, April 20, 2009

Mirror Synchronicity: Time Travel

I was watching a National Geographic special, The Time Machine, and reading a magazine during the commercials.  I picked up my magazine for the first time during this show and on the page in front of me was an article about a new movie called, "The Time Traveler's Wife".

Incidentally, the National Geographic show was very interesting and a little unsettling.  Physicists believe that a time machine is inevitable.  It boggles the mind.


call me andy said...

time travel is in your mind! many people can do it i promise. i have found one way. while sleeping. i have successfully went back once that i know of. all i know is that in my dream i was 23. i had live my entire life up to that particular night and dreams very vividly of walking uptinto a house i had never been into a secret attic door. there were all different types of mirrors everywhere in the attic...covering the wall and all.and all kinds of people casually walking around. it was night and there was no electricity or technology. but some people were on cell phones some perople looked as if they were from the 1800s and some from before recorded history. some knew exactly where they were, and with friends. some were just as curious as i was. a man helped me find what i was looking for without words. i knew it was the spot where everyone came in there dreams to go to another time. at this point i have only been in the attic for about 15 seconds. and only walk a few steps forward with the man who shows me to a standing/swinging mirror. it was risky it felt like. there was no garantee how far i would go beack onec i entered. i went in and woke up. and it was the next morning.

i remember going to bed the night before, 20 years old.... and it wasnt like i remmebered year by year being 23.... but when i woke up. i KNEW i had went beck. i was successful. i went back in time three years to try again.

there is too much to explain but i know i did it. this has been over 6 months ago.... and my life isnt going very well. im in my bed right now...and im going to find that room again.... and im going to go back and fix whatever i did that night.

i know i sound crazy. i know it. maybe i am.

but think of this.... i found your blog trying to find a way to get rid of my hiccups.
fyi. they are gone.

Anonymous said...

I had a dream exactly like That...

Dave the bear Howard said...

I got to your site because I added mirrors and timetravel into Google, and now I am here.....

I believe that mirrors have something to do with timetravel, I don't know why. I think it's got something to do with the infinity effect that happens when you hold one mirror in front of another...

Unknown said...

I need to fix a mistake and avoid prison.7272907625.