Friday, February 03, 2012

Mirror Synchronicity: Final Gifts

I was browsing the clearance section of Half Price Books (my favorite store) and I was ruminating about a book that I had loaned to someone that they never gave back. We no longer work together and it's not likely to be someone I will run into.

For most books, I loan the book with the idea that I might never see them again, which is fine. But this book, Final Gifts, was different. I only loaned it because I had full confidence that I would get it back. A year later, it turns out that I was wrong. It is non-fiction and I consider it to be the bible of books about hospice. Every presentation I give about hospice includes a mention of the book. It is a book that I always want to have on my shelf, and a book I would buy for others who are going through hospice for the first time (aside from my own).

I made a little wish that I might find it in the clearance section someday... but I never expected it to happen because it is still a best-selling book and I have never seen it on clearance. Sure enough, about a minute later, I looked up at the next shelf and I found a like-new copy for $2.00. Around the corner, I found in the regular death and dying section a used copy that was still $7.00. I bought it and thanked the universe for my gift.

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