Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mirror Synchronicity: Lois Lane

We were visiting Long Island near BethPage and driving back to our hotel after lunch via a new route when we passed Frankie Lane. My husband thought it was hilarious to have a street name with that name but I didn't know who Frankie Lane was, so it wasn't significant to me.

Then I said I thought it would be cool if there was a Lois Lane - the fictional character from the Superman comics/movies...and sure enough about a second later, we passed Lois Lane.


Robert Perry said...

Fun synchronicity! In your header you ask for stories. I have a blog in which I post synchronicity stories weekly. The latest one is here: http://www.semeionpress.com/signs/SignPosts/?p=275

If you do check it out, let me know your thoughts.

A New Soul said...

Robert - thank you for stopping by... I see your website is quite prolific. It's not my intention to republish what has been posted elsewhere. I will however add a link to your website - I think there is a lot of reading material there that might be of interest.

Robert said...

Thank you for adding the link!