Monday, June 25, 2012

Mirror Synchronicity: Woe of the Road!

My friends Jenn and Kyle are editors of a book titled Woe of the Road: Tales to make you never want to leave your houseThe title of the book is rather self explanatory - the book is about embarrassing or woeful moments that happen while traveling.

Full disclosure - I have an article in the book.  Again, I think the title well summarizes the content:  The Impala, the Valet, and the Everlasting Fart. 

But I digress.

Woe of the Road is a great read, and I'm not just saying that because I'm in it.  It won Grand Prize for the Best Anthology in the Beach Book Festival.

The prize included cash and a trip for Jenn and Kyle to the awards ceremony in New York.

On the way to New York, to accept an award for the book on travel woes, Jenn and Kyle's bus caught on fire.

Truth is stranger than fiction.  As might be expected, this delay gave them a great anecdote for their acceptance speech.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mirror Synchronicity: Worst Ways to Die

Those who don't believe in synchronicities will surely scoff at this one.  I have a history of being led to  books.  I have written about synchronicities more than once, here, here, and also a synchronicity story I wrote about in my book that I never posted.

I felt directed to Half Price Books, although I wasn't sure why.  There was no book I had in mind except for maybe something related to the Death Cafe.

I was just about to leave the store, figuring my hunch was wrong, when I turned around and found three copies of this book for only $3 each.

The reason I found it to be synchronous is because the Death Cafe was on my mind.  The art images that we printed on t-shirts to raise money for the Death Cafe event were all based on ideas of our worst fear of dying.  (Mine is crocodile, what's yours?)  Here are the images that we are putting on t-shirts:

I had never heard of this book before, but I thought they would be good to have on tables at the event as conversation starters.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Mirror Synchronicity: The Turkey Vulture

A few weeks ago, an animal unfortunately died in our garage. We thought we smelled something bad, but when the turkey vultures started hanging around our back deck, we knew for sure there must be a dead animal. My husband tore apart the garage, found the source of the smell, and relocated it to the woods.

Two weeks later, the smell is gone (at least to us) but the turkey vultures remain. There are two and I see them on the porch several times a day. If I think about it too much it makes me a little crazy. Is there something they know that we don't? Is it a sign that death is on the horizon? They really do feel quite ominous. (Not to mention they poop a lot on the deck and are annoying for that fact alone.)

Or is this a lighthearted synchronicity to acknowledge my work on the Death Cafe? Really the whole idea of the Death Cafe is to raise death awareness. How better to symbolically represent that than to have vultures standing around.

I took this picture of the turkey vulture today and then I got online to one of my social networks.  I had not yet posted anything about my new vulture friends, but one of my connections had linked to a blog that talked about crows and had a beautiful drawing of a turkey vulture. 

It remains to be seen whether there is more to this story regarding an actual death on the horizon.  Let's hope it is not anytime soon.